Initial Situation and EU context, by Christine Bauer-Jelinek

Idea and attribution

The work "A Stone`s Metamorphosis" offers the opportunity to appoint one of its manifold positions to every single member state of the EU. This means , that every EU memeber state develops its individual position – whose sense and symbolic character solely exists in the context of all other states – by using the same four stones that constitute the collective basic material. In this way the perspective to create an integrative symbol for the togetherness of the European Union is granted.

Thoughts for realisation

Each one of the EU-member-states is invited to select one of these positions , to set it up on a appropriate place and to show it during a nocturnal multimedia opening. The sculpture remains in place. Since this work doesn`t represent an individual sculpture, it will be comprehensible only through the presence of its various positions. Without big effort it would be possible to change the positions of the four stones again and again. That would come to a turnover of the various sculpture positions within the countries of the European Union. Further on a computer-access placed in the vicinity of the sculpture`s location would be thinkable. Thus all the various positions and a documentation about the exhibition and the current situation in the rest of the EU-member-states could be requested.


Zu Beginn der nächtlichen Performance steht die Skulptur in ihrer Ausgangsposition als geschlossener Steinquader an dem Platz , der zu ihrer Aufstellung bestimmt wurde. Sie wird von vier halbtransparenten Projektionswänden verhüllt und erst während der Performance live von zwei Teleskopkranwägen in die ausgewählte Position gebracht.

Potential and Development

The entity reveals its components – a germ gives birth to diversity
The individual and the collective enter into relation
Philosophy looking for its equivalent in everyday life
Meanings and rapports that may possibly find their support here
The yearning for beauty in all things
Enjoyment derived from cognition

– Christine Bauer-Jelinek